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About Jeremy Didier, LSCSW, LMAC, ADHD-CCSP

ADHD is my specialty! That's all I do! Do you think you might have ADHD? Adults with ADHD are often overlooked, under diagnosed or misdiagnosed altogether. Most of my clients find me when their kids are diagnosed with ADHD, and they start to wonder.... What a relief it can be to have an explanation for all the things you may have struggled with in your lifetime! If you suspect you might have ADHD, please make an appointment and we'll figure it out together. I specialize in helping adults with ADHD find ways to make their lives more manageable and less chaotic.

By the time most adults with ADHD are diagnosed, they've developed coping strategies and skills - some healthy, some not so healthy. I specialize in in the intersection of ADHD & Addiction and I can help people in recovery manage their ADHD and their sobriety simultaneously. I'm passionate about helping newly diagnosed moms with ADHD!

You are safe here. I get it. I'm an adult with ADHD and mom to five fabulous kids, four of whom also have ADHD and other neurodiversities. I've lived through chaos, self-doubt, massive insecurity, depression, anxiety and so much more on my journey to becoming an LSCSW. You are not alone and you are not crazy. You have ADHD. I can help.

Are you ready to take the first step?

My Values


We prioritize your privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that all your personal information and therapy sessions are secure and protected


Our approach to therapy embraces creativity, offering innovative and personalized solutions to help you navigate life's challenges.


We provide a compassionate and empathetic environment, where your feelings and experiences are respected and understood


We foster an atmosphere of acceptance, welcoming you with open arms and without judgment, celebrating your unique journey and individuality